Literary doodle pad

I am irrational.

When I hear about, witness or ponder upon an incident or prolonged occurrence of a boy/lad/man being a selfish emotionally stunted coward I get cross. That seems fair. What is LESS fair and probably quite unhelpful is the fact that I not only get cross with the guilty specimen, but I also get a bit grouchy and distrustful of my Daddy, boyfriend and other male friends. I am sorry. Something to pray about. Hey Jesus, could you help me to be gentle, positive, forgiving and helpful. Please help me to be loving, joyful and patient at all times and to bring out the best in people. Pearls of wisdom gratefully received, on the premise that you don’t think they’d be wasted on me. ;] haha. xx

Comments on: "I am irrational." (5)

  1. There’s a key element in your prayer that might need a slight adjustment; “at all times”. That ain’t gonna happen, Catie. None of us can ever be “good” at all times. We’re going to have bad thoughts, say bad things, and do bad things; things we wish we wouldn’t do, say, or think. It’s okay. I know you’ve heard me say it–read it–before, but we can start over every minute of the day. You mess up, start over. Tomorrow’s a new day; the next minute is a new minute. Done is done, move on.
    And, you are not a waste of my time.

    • Thank you. Yes, I know, I just, I still want to be good all the time, I still want Him to helop me all the time, oh it’s tricky, yes, perseverance, trust, receivning grace, new mercies each day, pressing on, :] thanks. xx

  2. all we need for life and Godliness is at our disposal. Yet I screw up, in case you hadn’t noticed! So all we need for life and Godliness is at our disposal, so I keep on not giving up! There are gender things. We can’t explain failures by saying, well, he probably will fail in this area because he is a man. But there are gender things that explain the distribution differentials of when a man or a woman uses a coping strategy that means they don’t have to fully embrace the responsibility that a situation is imposing on them. cos they’re tired and its a social norm to just not go the whole hog wrong and to not just go the whole hog right. Living and loving….is fun with you baby! xxxxxx

  3. Just had a timely stalk of your blog. I love it. I love this. I love you. Thank you for lots more things than words late at night will convey neatly 🙂

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