Literary doodle pad

Posts tagged ‘Beauty’


Your lips
Pearly petals furled in pouting peace so perfect
Your breath
Mighty little puffs of feisty life against my skin
Your eyes
Bright deep intimate soul windows, soul hands which we hold
Your voice
Colourful melody on heartstrings of delighted vulnerability
Our hug
A warm snug weight, fulfilling my arms and chest

Double Helix Headed High

Ringlet spirals down your cheek,

Half closed eyelids hide and seek

From and for the love,

For which you were created.

Loose your grip on lies of old,

Slip into the Saviour’s hold,

Bravely let the dance

Mold the truth into your stance.

Unfathomed depths, dip in your heart;

Ripple seen is just the start,

Weight of rushing power

Freeing, washing walls apart

Bridal beauty lies within

Unbridled; He’s extinguished sin,

Skies of light wherein

Potential fiercely soars and sings

Choosing to step onto rock,

Look not back, smash the lock,

You can and will be loved

Now and through eternity!

So let your gaze be lifted to

The one who loves to hear from you,

Praise will be the key;

Outwit deceit of enemy

Your voice was bestowed by the King,

A unique one, distinctive ring,

Lest the stones cry out,

Let the Princess her words bring!

Not Blogging and being Unemployed.

Hello blogging world, it’s been a while…

Recently I took my shoes off and waded through a freezing cold river, and it was exhilarating and beautiful and fun….I think life can be like that… the cold can almost be enjoyable, just because it’s beautiful further on, and the person going with you is awesome, and they even help you warm up on the other side (But I do realise, life’s trials can be a lot worse than freezing cold feet).

I am a terrible and sporadic blogger. Which is fine, because my blog exists mainly to serve my own purposes, and when I don’t do it, that’s fine, because i’m doing it verbally with people around me, or creatively, by other means.

I recently read a post about resting that my friend wrote and it evoked a continuation of a thought process I have been figuring out.

I have blogged because I need to express, think and be creative.

I have worked because it is good to proactively contribute the the goings on of the world around us, and because it’s good to take responsibility for providing for the needs of my existence, which include financial demands.

BUT, I can express, think and be creative without blogging; no guilt attached.

SO… does it then follow that, if I can proactively contribute to the goings on of the world around me in a positive way, and take responsibility for providing for my needs, can I be unemployed without feeling guilty for it? I’m not suggesting I stay unemployed on purpose, at all (I would really love to have something to invest my time and energy in, and to feel independent as a result of the resulting income), but can it be that God wants me to learn to be humble, and learn to work without monetary reward, and then learn to receive from elsewhere, without being able to say I earnt it?

This lesson, God, is not a fun one to be learning, just so you know…. so if you’re reading my blog (the least you could do, I feel) then please help me to learn it quickly, so that I can then go ahead and get a job, and be a blessing to those around me? Please pretty please?

In other news I can now complete a rubik’s cube. Next on the list: a toss up between poi, and basic guitar playing… ;]

P.S. Is it wrong to deliberately make friends feel uncomfortable  in a lightly banterful way, just because they asked for it, and it’s funny?


Pearl: Anna

Pearl: Anna

Only a gritty life could produce such treasure.

The words again in case the picture is not clear.


As a sun beam dances

Crisply through clear water,

So whispers He

Through His beloved daughter.

Her incandescent beauty;

The fruit of several years

Where gritty trials came,

Leaving precious souvenirs

Multitones of wisdom

Grace her precious words,

Radiant with perseverance,

Her strength is the Lord’s.

Trashy Magazines

So why do we read trashy style magazines, or gossip magazines? What is it about them? Do you read Hello? More, OK or Elle? Personally I don’t think I’ve ever bought a fashion/style/gossip magazine, but I know I’ve scanned MANY.  In waiting rooms, in other people’s houses, in the sixth form common room I think I was first properly introduced to the onslaught of expectation and critique that is the women’s magazine industry.

It’s really odd, some deceptive headline catches your eye and you get drawn in, reading, judging, feeling judged…

It struck me it’s like boxing day, when you’ve been consistently full for about 24 hours, but somehow when someone waves a box of chocolates by you still take one. You know you’re not even a little bit hungry, and you know that you could really do without the calories, but somehow your brain bypasses the logic and you’re lured in by the temptation of those few moments where the caramel will feel smooth and taste good. You take one. It’s not nearly as enjoyable as you thought it would be. You feel a little bit sick and you look down at your belly and feel a bit repulsed. This is what it’s like with women’s magazines. A catchy title, an unsatisfying article, leaving you feeling fat, and guilty and wretched.

So what’s my point? Judging others isn’t fun. Seeking other people’s approval will never leave you feeling like you’ve fully succeeded. Momentary gratification is overrated.

Admiring beauty is fun and uplifting when kept in perspective. I hope to gain enough self control to choose the constructive and life giving things in life, and to resist the easy tempting moments. I’m gonna need help, but I think it’s worth it. :] xx

The Joy of Life! :]

I just had the MOST DELICIOUS peanut butter and plum jam sandwich on home-made brown bread. YUM!!!! Seriously, can’t stress how scrumptious it was! I delight in food most days, who am I kidding, I absolutely REVEL in food about 6 times a day…. mmmm food. :] ha ha. :]

Easter Sunday is always a joyous and uplifting shabazz isn’t it? That was a happy day indeed. The singing, rejoicing, hugs and exaltations.

Sun as well, I do like a bit of sun. It’s all so amazing really the way it works. I get all freckly in the sun, gotta wear super high factor suncream though otherwise I burn.

You know what else i really super love? Dappled sunlight through trees, where the green of the leaves is illuminated but not garish and the warmth of the sun’s rays are not so overpowering as to render those who dwell beneath helpless and lethargic (though that’s a nice feeling sometimes too).

Hoverfly through a leaf...

The Irish accent…. another joy bringer, really enjoyed it when I watched The Secret of Kells (I highly recommend watching it if you can)

Animals are such a blessing too, especially when they’re goofy! What is it about goofy people and goofy animals that is so endearing and chortle producing? I think God has a brilliant sense of humour, and I also think there are many of us who need to lighten up and take ourselves a little less seriously. My lively and absolutely ridiculous, but terribly affectionate and cute labrador Tamsin is my role model:

Composure is overrated.

Also under the topic of animals, Cats, they’re SO FUNNY… and cute as anything, if you do like cats, look up Simon’s Cat on Youtube… it’s GENIUS!! :]

And then there’s my Lovely and rather silly family, they bring me such abundance of joy I couldn’t express it in words even if I were Shakespeare (William WaggleDagger Himself) :


So many things to be thankful for at the end of every single day, Friends, Fun, Beauty, Truth, Food, Music the list is endless.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”